In Teamfight Tactics, champions with higher ranks deal more damage.
At the beginning of the game, you take very little damage when you lose. Because 1 star or 1 gold champions only deal 1 damage to you. The more enemies that survive the end, the more damage you take. If the enemy has three champions, 1 star and 1 gold, you will lose 5 health. This happens because you will take 2 extra damage when you lose.
When the game goes on longer. 2 gold champions will deal more damage than 1 gold champions, and the same goes for the hero’s star level. And when at the end of the game and facing 3 4 gold or 3 star generals, the amount of damage you have to take will be huge.
This depends on how you lose. If you lose and only have 1 enemy champion left, you will take extremely little damage. However, if you do not defeat any of the enemy’s champions, you will take an extremely large amount of damage.
Here is Riot’s damage calculation formula:
Calculate according to the above formula and add 2 damage when you lose the round, and that will be the amount of damage you have to take.
This table shows the amount of damage dealt by each champion that survives. If the enemy kills you and there is only one 3 star champion, 2 gold left, you will have to take 5 damage and 2 more damage because you lost. Doesn’t matter how many enemy champions are there – If you lose, you will always take 2 extra damage for sure.
Source link: League of Legends: How to calculate damage in the Arena of Truth