Gamer League of Legends Alaskan_Lost is an avid collector. This player owns all the skin can be obtained by normal methods, so when the “My Store” tab appears, Avid Alaskan_Lost cannot find anything new.
Normally, when the player has all the skins, the store will display the Alistar Gold skin. This is a special skin for those who want to complete their skin collection. But the question is what happens if the player already has the golden bull?
Because Alaskan_Lost has every skin, including Alistar Gold, this causes the player’s store to appear to be crashing, showing nothing but a “reload” message. This player is recommended to email Riot after the store appeared. The feedback message from the developer reads: “ONE TIME AND ONLY ONCE” with skin selection from a very special list.
The skins on the list are not so great in terms of design, but they are special because this is a skin that only appears at offline events around the world or during special limited-time events in the game. Most of them are very old and now completely impossible to buy with RP. List includes:
PAX Sivir
PAX Twisted Fate
Riot Singed
Weary Blitzcrank
URF Warwick
Riven Champion
Alaskan_Lost chose PAX Twisted Fate, a skin for attendees of the Penny Arcade Expo in 2009.
Source link: League of Legends gamers were given skins by Riot because they had full skins