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Skill Viego lmht 700 - Emergenceingame

League of Legends: Details of the powerful skill set of the new general Viego – The Black Emperor’s Destroyer

The players League of Legends must be too familiar with the equipment called “The Blade of the Unknown King”. And the unknown king, the owner of that sword, will be officially released under the name of Riot Viego – Black destroy emperor. Let Download.vn learn about this powerful king’s skill set in the following article.

Skill Viego lmht 700 - Emergenceingame

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League of Legends: Details of the powerful skill set of the new general Viego – The Black Emperor’s Destroyer

Passive – Supreme Rule (P)

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This is a very unique skill of the unknown king Viego. After defeating or assisting the defeat, Viego will possess the body of the enemy and use his skills and basic attacks. In addition, he can use his ultimate without consuming mana and increase movement speed towards enemies.

Why call this a special passive because it does not give Viego any strength such as attributes, damage, defense … like other generals. Instead, it put this king into a spirit state (quite similar to Karthus’s passive), able to perfectly take over the evil soul that was killed by him.

Blade of Destruction (Q)

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This skill has 2 parts:

  • Viego’s attacks will deal bonus damage based on% of the enemy’s health.
  • If you attack an enemy that has just hit an ability of Viego it will count as 2 attacks. The second attack will drain the health of the enemy instead of dealing damage. If an enemy has just been hit by the ability of Viego it will count as 2 attacks, however the 2nd attack will suck blood instead of dealing damage. Fully applied attack effects.

This is the skill with the effects of familiar equipment: Sword of the nameless king. Its effect is very powerful when it deals damage per% of the enemy’s health, however it is still a basic attack rather than an activation skill so there will be limitations in the early game.

Dark Claw (W)

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Viego charges up and dashes forward, stunning and damaging the first enemy hit. The stun duration and damage increase with the charge duration.

This skill is quite similar to VI’s Q. It can be used to chase, run away …

Dark Mist Territory (E)

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Viego creates a mist around him, if near a wall, the mist will cover the entire wall. While in this mist, Viego is disguised, increasing attack speed and movement.

Destiny (R)

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The ultimate is only activated while he is in possession of the body. Viego will escape from her possessed body, teleport forward, and attack the lowest-blooded enemy in the area. Damage is based on the amount of missing enemy health, other enemies will be sent flying.

I wish you success with Viego – The Black Emperor!

Source link: League of Legends: Details of the powerful skill set of the new general Viego – The Black Emperor’s Destroyer
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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