Key members of Activision Blizzard continue to leave

Activision Blizzard

According to information from Richard Lewis, there is more bad news for Activision Blizzard. The Lewis article says that many “core and experienced members” are preparing to leave the company in the next few weeks.

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Kicking off this wave is Overwatch League manager Nate Nanzer, who announced his departure from the position last week. This news sparked a lot of speculation about what was going on in the company. Some thought that due to a more attractive offer from Epic, Nanzer changed to Epic Games. The company is investing in esports for Fortnite Battle Royale and its newly acquired title Rocket League.

The article said “People are tired of working for Pete Vlastelica. The focus becomes on commercializing esports titles instead of creating programs that are good for the community. A lot of people assumed it was Pete’s fault, and that crushed the morale of the Call of Duty and Overwatch team.”

thanh vien chu chot activision blizzard ra di 2 - Emergenceingame
Overwatch’s father company is in real trouble

This is not too difficult to understand when Vlastelica’s background is from traditional media and sports. Vlastelica joined Activision Blizzard in 2016, after leaving FOX Sports.

Another source said, “Currently, there is a feeling that the management doesn’t understand esports. People can’t argue with these people. They insist that their traditional sports vision is right and that upsets people.”

It looks like the Overwatch League will continue, but Blizzard needs to change the culture before it’s too late for this iconic game.

Source link: Key members of Activision Blizzard continue to leave

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