Instructions for playing Moira in Overwatch from tactics to tips and tricks

Instructions for playing Moira in Overwatch from tactics to tips and tricks

Moria has just been released so it is very difficult to use it properly, here is a guide to playing Moira in Overwatch from tactics to tips and tricks hope it will be useful to you.

Moira O’Deorain is a doctoral student who has dedicated himself to Overwatch’s Blackwatch unit. Intelligence is often seen as a gift, but Moira has proven that she is willing to do anything to break through in her field.

For that reason, Moira worked for the shadow organization Talon, after years of working under Overwatch. Now that Moira no longer holds the bounds of morality, she enters the battlefield as Overwatch’s 26th Hero.

Let’s learn together how to acquire Moira and give your team an advantage.

“One hand gives, the other takes away”

Hướng dẫn chơi Moira trong Overwatch 1 - Emergenceingame

Moira is both a support hero and a healer, but her skill set can do both.

For Moira, healing and dealing damage go hand in hand. She heals with her left hand and uses her right hand to deal damage. Moira needs to deal damage to continue healing. The attack also has a lifesteal ability, so she can heal herself.

Moira’s skills all complement each other. Therefore, knowing the “give and take” skill will help players understand this character.

The main move (left mouse button) is a diamond-shaped golden ray, used to heal targets within 15 meters in front of you. Can heal through each other, meaning she can heal multiple targets at once, at around 80 health per second.

While healing, Moira can sense how much more she can use that skill. Once it’s all gone, she can’t swear to heal. It will slowly regenerate, but the best way to recharge “heal” is to deal damage.

Moira’s second attack deals damage to previously targeted targets with a range of 21 meters. It’s similar to Symmetra’s attack, but you have to keep your mind on the target in order to attack. The damage is 50 damage per second, and Moira heals herself for 33 health per second, and also restores mana for the heal.

In order to heal, Moira must attack. The ability to heal will run out very quickly, so attacking while healing is essential. Damage spells have no cooldown, so attack when you can.

“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”

Hướng dẫn chơi Moira trong Overwatch 2 - Emergenceingame

Arguably Moira’s most important move, once Biotic Orb is cast, Moira will extend her arms and you can choose between healing or damage orb. Both are very strong.

Throwing a damage orb near an enemy will slow the enemy and draw their health at a rate of 50 damage per second, or until the damage is done for 200 damage. The healing orb works similarly, but it heals up to 75 health per second, or up to 300 restored health to targets.

Throwing a damage orb at a group of enemies is a way to draw their health, both healing yourself and healing. It has a lot of uses: extremely effective in 1v1 phases, when thrown at the opponent and combined with Moira’s basic attack.

Orb heals too. It will help your teammates keep fighting, especially when you combine with your healing ability. Orb can also heal Moira if thrown on the spot or against a wall next to him.

Orb is very effective in small spaces, for example when the opposing team tries to push into a small area to hook the tire behind. Throwing orb into that area will deal quick damage to multiple enemies. And you can do the same to your teammates if the group is huddled together to heal.

Moira’s final ability is Fade, a teleport that allows her to move faster and disappear for a short time, granting her temporary invulnerability. This ability has a cooldown of only 6 seconds and is very useful to help Moira get out of difficult situations, or just to move quickly if needed.

Surrender to my will!

Hướng dẫn chơi Moira trong Overwatch 3 - Emergenceingame

Moira’s ultimate is Coalescence, a powerful beam of energy that can heal and deal damage at the same time. This beam deals 70 damage per second, but heals for 140 health per second, as well as heals yourself for 50 health per second. This ability lasts for 8 seconds.

This ultimate heals very quickly, so don’t be afraid to not use it, or use it to push the final phase. This ability heals more than it deals damage, Coalescence is especially useful in teamfight when attacking the target, as it can do two things at once.

The damage isn’t too high, so Moira should focus on healing rather than trying to kill enemies. But if you can do two things at the same time, go for it. Low health enemies should be the main target, but if they also heal, it will be very difficult for Moira to finish.

Coalescence is best used to help the team push or slow down the opponent’s push. This Ultimate can’t turn the tide of a game like Zenyatta’s Transcendance or Lucio’s Sound Barrior, but it can still turn the tide if used correctly.

Hướng dẫn chơi Moira trong Overwatch 4 - Emergenceingame

Strong against

Reinhardt and Orisa

Biotic Orb will go through their shield. This means that Moira will penetrate the strongest points of these 2 heroes and can heal and deal damage, whether blocked by the shield or not.


Fade will help Moira escape Zarya’s Graviton Surge, helping Moira run to a safe location. Then, combine your heal to heal an ally who is still trapped.

Weak against


Defense Maxtrix is ​​hauntingly terrifying with Moira. It will disable Biotic Orb – the most important move in Moira’s kit.


Ana’s Biotic Grenade will block Moira from healing allies as well as herself.

Roadhog and Pharah

Both of these heroes are outside of Moira’s firing range and abilities (Roadhog’s Hook and Pharah’s Rockets). This makes Moira very difficult to play against these 2 heroes in many situations.

Life has always been about give and take, the same goes for Moira. Give blood to allies and take blood from enemies. Combine these two to get this doctor’s home, and become the healing-damage combo your teammates need.

Source: Dotesport

Source link: Instructions for playing Moira in Overwatch from tactics to tips and tricks

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