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How to use the character when playing Chess Rush

Chess Rush’s dignity chess game has a quite diverse character system, each character has its own unique strengths and skills. More especially, when combined together or with characters of other systems, they will create an extremely impressive special effect and skill.

We all know, Chess Rush’s general system is divided by color hierarchy and divided into different classes and systems. In this article, we will learn about the strength and use of generals in Chess Rush when combining units together.

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How to combine Race in Chess Rush

How to use characters in Chess Rush game
How to use characters in Chess Rush game

1. Human – Human Race

Human Race – A person with a total of 7 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Humans: Restores 5 mana per second for all allied units on the board.
  • 4 Humans: Humans units give 25% more chance of cooldown reduction and immediately recover 100 mana after casting the skill.
  • 6 Humans: Humans units give 50% more chance of cooldown reduction and immediately recover 100 mana after casting the skill.

2. Elves – Elves

There are 8 characters in the race of Elves. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Elves: All Elves generals on the table have a 25% chance of dodging enemy attacks.
  • 6 Elves: All Elves generals on the table have a 44% chance of dodging enemy attacks.

3. Beast – Beast Race

Beast Race – Beast Race has a total of 7 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Beasts: Increases damage by 10% to all allies (including summoned champions).
  • 4 Beasts: Teammates have a 40% chance to summon Pets right at the start of the new game.
  • 6 Beasts: Teammates have a 60% chance to summon Pets right at the start of a new game.
Introducing character strengths in Chess Rush
Introducing character strengths in Chess Rush

4. Cyborg – Biological robot

Cyborgs – Biological Robots have a total of 7 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Cyborgs: Grants a random ally on the 75 armor board and heals 30 health per second.
  • 6 Cyborgs: Increases all Cyborgs champions on the 75 armor board and restores 30 health per second

5. Furry – The Beast Race

Race Furry – Wild Beast has a total of 4 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Furries: All Furry generals receive a shield effect, absorbing 800 damage.
  • 4 Furries: All Furry generals receive a shield effect, absorbing 2000 damage.

6. Goblin – Goblin

Goblins – Goblins have a total of 4 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Goblins: 35% Attack Speed ​​for all Goblin champions.
  • 4 Goblins: 35% Attack Speed ​​for all allies.
How to play Chess in the dignity chess game Chess Rush
How to play Chess in the dignity chess game Chess Rush

7. Undead – Immortal Race

Undead Race – Immortal has a total of 4 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Undead: All enemy champions have 20 armor reduced.
  • 4 Undead: All enemy champions have 50 armor reduction.

8. Demon – Demon Race

Demon Race – Demons have a total of 5 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these champions will only create a single skill as follows:

When only 1 single hero Demon race on the board:

  • This champion’s damage stat will increase by 40%.
  • The target that receives this champion’s attack will take 10% of the total damage taken before for 5 seconds.

9. Oceanborns – Fish-Man Race

The Oceanborns – Fish-Man has a total of 4 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Oceanborns: Grants 20 magic resistances to all allies.
  • 4 Oceanborns: Any ally in the team will receive an effect free of all enemy damage for 60 seconds.
Chess system in Chess Rush game
Chess system in Chess Rush game

10. Void – Ancient Race

The Void – Ancient Race had a total of 2 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Voids: 50% off maximum health of any enemy champion.

11. Dragon – Dragon Race

Dragon Race – Dragon Race has a total of 3 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Dragons: Generals of the Dragon clan receive an additional 30 mana at the start of the game.
  • 3 Dragons: Generals of the Dragon race receive an additional 100 mana at the start of the game.

12. Jelly – Gurru

Perhaps Jelly is the most special race, because it has not only a single champion (Gurru) but also has no fighting ability. Gurru has a pretty cute appearance and is known as a “peace loving, not warlike” general.

However, the Gurru acts as a reserve card to upgrade champions. For example, if you have 2 identical champions, the same star level on the board. Want to upgrade them but lack a similar champion, at this time, you can use Gurru with the same star level to replace and combine with the other 2 champions into higher level generals.

Some of the most powerful races and generals in Chess Rush
Some of the most powerful races and generals in Chess Rush

How to combine Systems in Chess Rush

1. Warrior – Warrior

The Warrior-Warrior system has a total of 8 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Warriors: Increases 40 armor for all Warrior-type heroes
  • 6 Warriors: Increases 100 armor for all Warrior-type heroes

2. Assassins – Assassins

Assassins system – Assassins have a total of 7 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Assassins:
    • The champions of the Assassin group will become invisible at the beginning of the game
    • The first attack will deal 250% of the damage to the hit target
    • Has a 10% chance to remain stealthed on later attacks
  • 6 Assassins:
    • The champions of the Assassin group will become invisible at the beginning of the game
    • The first attack will deal 250% of the damage to the hit target
    • Has 30 additional chances to remain stealth on following attacks
Warrior, Engineer, and Warlock-type heroes
Warrior, Engineer, and Warlock-type heroes

3. Sorcerer – Mage

The Sorcerer-Mage system has a total of 8 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Sorcerers: Reduces target’s magic resist by 30
  • 6 Sorcerers: Reduces target’s magic resist by 60

4. Rider – Knights

The Rider-Knight system has a total of 6 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Riders: All Knights have a 25% chance to gain 150 additional armor and 60 percent magic resistance
  • 4 Riders: All Knights have a 45% chance to gain 185 armor and 65% more magic resist
  • 6 Riders: All Knights have a 65% chance to gain 230 additional armor and 70% more magic resistance

5. Hunter – Hunter

Hunter-Hunter system has a total of 7 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 3 Hunters: Increases damage of 25% to all champions in Hunter-type
  • 6 Hunters: Increases 60% damage to all champions in Hunter-type
Introducing the character system of chess game Chess Rush
Introducing the character system of chess game Chess Rush

6. Warlocks – Witches

Warlocks – Sorcerer system has a total of 5 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Warlocks: The entire team gets a 15% increase in the amount of blood absorbed when attacking, the blood that is drawn will become a shield
  • 4 Warlocks: The entire team gets a 25% increase in the amount of blood absorbed when attacking, the blood he draws will become a shield

7. Engineer – Mechanic

Engineer – Mechanic system has a total of 5 heroes. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Engineers: Increases 45 health regen for all mechanic-type champions
  • 4 Engineers: Increases 120 health regen for all mechanic-type champions
The General Rider - Knights in Chess Rush
The General Rider – Knights in Chess Rush

8. Druid – Monk

The Druid – Monk system has a total of 5 generals. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 2 Druids:
    • Only 2 1-star generals belonging to the Tu Sy system can be combined into 1 2-star general
    • When General Druid is sacrificed, he will restore 10 mana to all allied champions within 1 cell
  • 4 Druids:
    • Only 2 2-star generals belonging to the Tu Sy system can be combined into 1 3-star general
    • When General Druid is sacrificed, he will restore 20 mana to all allied champions within 1 square

9. Punisher – Smite

The Punisher – Smite system has a total of 2 champions. When fighting and combined with each other, these generals will create the following skills:

  • 1 Punisher: A Punisher-type hero will be counted as a demon-race champion on the opponent’s side, so will disable the enemy’s Demon Race’s effect (if any).
  • 2 Punishers: When you have more than one Demon General on the table and 2 Punishers at the same time, then the Demon Race generals will not lose their clan’s effect.
  • 4 Punishers: The Punisher-type hero will increase the total damage by 35% of the basic attack if the opponent is within 1 square.

Currently, in addition to the Truth Arena, there are many other dignified chess games that are also attracting players like Auto Chess, Dota Underlords… You can also download and experience these games for free at Download.vn.

Source link: How to use the character when playing Chess Rush
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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