How to set up Arena of Valor settings to play better

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The following article will show you how to set up Arena of Valor settings to play better, settings for many goal options, perform operations such as buying items, marking the map, calling teammates. easier will help you become more flexible in the match without losing control when controlling.

Arena of valor There are 3 major settings that players need to save as “General configuration, controls and interfaces“. Each of these big settings will include a lot of different settings, but you only need to pay attention to a few settings that will be detailed by the article below.

How to set up mobile-related data to play better?

– Download game Arena of Valor for Android.
– Download game Arena of Valor for iPhone.

How to set up Arena of Valor settings to play better

1. Configuration Settings

Usually the game will automatically set up according to the device configuration you are using and we still call it the default setting. However, for some mid-range devices, when playing games for too long or the device is about to run out of battery, Arena of Valor will start to have a frame drop phenomenon, greatly affecting the gameplay of gamers. To avoid the above phenomena, taimienphi recommends that you set the configuration settings as follows:

– Border: Recommended Turn off.

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This is a setting that shows an extra black border around objects and champions. This setting will help the game become clearer but at the same time consume more battery. If you use low-battery devices such as iPhones or low-profile devices, you should turn off this option to reduce the load on the device. Opening or closing the border when viewed on a small screen really doesn’t show too much difference.

– HD resolution: Recommend Turn off.

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This setting will give a high profile sharp image but will drain the battery even more than the border display. So just like above, taimienphi recommends not turning on this setting unless you own a high-end gaming smartphone that costs several tens of millions of dong.

– High FPS: Recommend Turn on.

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FPS is the number of frames that appear in a second, meaning that the higher the FPS, the more motion you see on the screen. The maximum FPS in Lien Lien Mobile when this setting is turned on is 60 FPS, allowing you to observe more movements, thereby being able to dodge or execute skills more accurately. Although this setting will also drain the battery, taimienphi still recommends opening the high FPS setting because it will help you a lot in the game, anyway, you have turned off the 2 settings above.

– Image quality: Recommend Medium.

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This setting is mainly to let you see the image in the game more beautiful and polished, but not really affect the happenings in the game too much. If you play on large screen devices such as tablets, playing on computers may need to be beautiful, but on mobile devices with small screens, you will not clearly feel the difference between levels. establish. Set it to Medium to minimize battery drain and make FPS more stable.

– Detail quality: Recommend Medium – High.

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Other than image quality, this setting is quite important because it is related to the details of each pixel in the game, for example, a skill shot from a champion will be seen more clearly and in detail. promptly detect and avoid instead of being confused with the environment. Recommend setting Medium for low-end devices and High for mid-range devices and above.

2. Control setting

– Target selection method: Recommend Optional system (default).

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Should let the system automatically select instead of you pressing to select because the setting press to select only 2 options to lock the target: minions / buildings and champions. If there are many champions at the same time, many times the system will not lock the right target that you need to aim for.

– Designated public mode: Recommended Eat minions + Push turrets.

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When this setting is set, in the game will appear 2 more buttons with the minion icon and the enemy turret icon next to the normal attack button. With the above selection system setup, the normal attack button will prioritize attacking nearby enemy champions, so you have all the necessary 3 buttons, which are champion, minion and turret attack, too convenient.

– Target selection method: Proposal % Lowest Health (default).

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By default, your champion will focus on weak targets within attack range. This option is very suitable in combat because your champion will avoid attacking heavy tank opponents and focus on weaker support champions.

– Method of casting: Recommend Support rotation (default).

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So by default, manually aligning the direction and launching the move will ensure greater accuracy so that the system automatically aims at the nearest object.

– Show specified target: Recommend Show designated icon.

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This setting makes it possible to lock the target on the object you want to focus your attack on. After choosing a target, your champion will only hit and cast skills towards the specified target. Very convenient in teamfights or melee battles with too many targets.

– How to choose a goal: Recommend Select by default.

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The setting to choose according to the enemy’s shape is usually only for experienced players, professional gamers with fast reflexes. If you are a newbie or have been playing for a long time, but your skills are not perfect, you should set the default, because this setting will sometimes create a cumbersome skill development.

– Cancel: Recommend Select region (default).

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By default, select the area, drop the skill on the X to cancel the skill. Although this operation will be slower than setting the range, it will prevent you from accidentally dragging the skill too far out of the limit circle leading to automatic cancellation, creating an extremely dangerous situation for you or letting Weak enemies run away. Sometimes because the phone screen is small, you will not be able to control all your finger movements.

– Swing sensitivity: Recommend Tall (default).

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The default should be high to be able to rotate the move most easily. Only experienced gamers can lower it because the accuracy of their controls is very high.

– Position of swing: Recommend Manual positioning (default).

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As a casual gamer, especially a new player, it is recommended to manually position for a timely response. Using finger positioning needs to be fast and very accurate or you will miss all the time.

3. Interface Setup

– Show equipment: Recommended Right (no nominations shown).

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When playing Arena of Valor, your left hand is the busiest hand and there is almost no time to leave the moving rod. The default equipment store layout is on the left hand side, which will make it very inconvenient for you to buy quickly while on the go. So set Show equipment to Right.

– Zoom in on minimap location: Recommend Show on the left (default).

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This setting is actually not too important, if you play singles at low rank, almost no one will notice your ping, and at high rank, most players use voice chat with each other, so so pinging in combat seems unnecessary. You won’t have to turn on the map too much and it’s the same whether left or right.

– Hide/Show equipment description: Recommended Turn on (default).

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It is recommended to display the description, especially for new players. It is very important for you to know the next equipment you need to buy to increase your stats, for example, there are situations where you need to prioritize armor first, in other situations, you need to quickly increase movement speed or attack speed. Enabling display will make it easy to choose the equipment to buy first, because no one can remember what each item will increase if just leaving each picture frame blank.

– Target parameters: Recommend Turn on (default).

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Sometimes the health bar on the head of the target you attack is hidden behind many other objects, generals or minions, making you unable to grasp the target’s current parameters such as how much health is left, how much mana is left. Enabling the goal parameters shown above will make it easier to track your goals.

– Camera Frame: Recommended Turn on (default).

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For new players, many times when moving the camera to track, they do not realize where their camera is. Turning on the camera frame displayed on the map will help you realize this so you can immediately move the camera to the area you want. This setting also helps you capture the map more clearly, later when you get used to it, you can completely turn this setting off.

– Beginner tip: Recommend Turn off (default).

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You may be wondering if you should turn on this feature if you are a new player. The answer is that you don’t need to do that because Arena of Valor has a very detailed tutorial, through this game you will know for sure what newbies and new players need to know. So turning on the beginner tip is not necessary, even this setting sometimes makes you confused.

– Show the image of the champion launching the move: Recommend Turn on.

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Turning on this setting makes it easy to choose the target to cast for each skill, a very convenient setting but should not be overused when fighting because it will lead to many different troubles to your detriment. .

The above are suggestions on how to set up mobile alliance settings to play better, but you yourself need to go through a process of playing, drawing experience to choose the best settings for your game. self. Normally, we will play the game Union on mobile, but many of you can still play on the computer, so how install mobile alliance on computer how, please follow the article that Taimienphi has shared.

Related keywords:

How to set up Arena of Valor settings

, install mobile related data to make the game better, I use mobile related data,

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