How to play Wraith in Apex Legends

Nhân vật Wraith trong Apex Legends

The following article will help you understand and play the most mobile character in Apex Legends – Wraith more easily.

Wraith is the most multi-talented character in Apex Legends. The spatial teleportation abilities help Wraith avoid danger, monitor the situation, and move allies across locations on the map. Due to owning many tools, learn to master Wraith in Apex Legends will be a little more difficult.

Wraith character in Apex Legends
Wraith character in Apex Legends

Passive capacity: Voices from the void

As simple as its name suggests, Wraith will hear dangerous warnings in the air. This voice was only heard by Wraith. This is the best scouting tool in Apex Legends. If the enemy sees you, you as Wraith will hear you first. Best of all, when Wraith detects that a sniper is hiding, you can alert your teammates and find a safer way to move.

Despite the ability to warn teammates, sometimes, this is not the best decision. Occasionally, it creates unnecessary conversation, making it easier for more important information to be ignored.

Tactical ability: Into the Void

This ability can save your life in battle but is not easy to use. It allows Wraith to be invisible and invulnerable. However, due to the short activation time, cannot destroy and fire bullets in this state, you need to make a decision to continue shooting the enemy or use it to reach safety wisely.

Also, even though this ability makes Wraith invisible, it still leaves a trace, so please be wary of your surroundings after the stealth time is over.

Ultimate competencies: Dimensional Rift

Use the best space teleportation feature at stuck spots and create a safe route for your teammates in dangerous situations. Example: If you need to move from one canyon to another, place the gate where your teammates are standing, run through the canyon, and place the exit gate on the other side.

You can use this port to trap enemies. Specifically, lure the enemy to shoot and chase after you, set a teleporter so they can move through to the other end of the exit. Meanwhile, your teammates are waiting to ambush them. Time to set the port lasted 60 seconds.

Above are tips Wraith in Apex Legends the best. Hope the article is useful to you.

Source link: How to play Wraith in Apex Legends

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