How to play Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

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Jinx is a powerful ADC champion and one of the champions with the highest DPS in the game Wild Rift Alliance. She is quite versatile, able to transform from a solo DPS destroyer into a ranged AoE gunner. And you can enhance her abilities with the tips for playing Jinx ADC in Wild Rift shared in the article.

In the Wild Rift League, Jinx is a ADC general who mainly plays in the position of the Dragon line as a Carry general. Jinx deals huge amount of physical damage and this champion can solo hold lane thanks to his skill set. If he is supported by his teammates and finds a good position, Jinx can carry the team and bring victory to the team.

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Instructions to play Jinx ADC position in Wild Rift League

In this guide, will share with you how to build the best Jinx, including tips and tricks to pave the way to victory with Jinx in Wild Rift League.

How to play Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

1. Gems for Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

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Jinx is a Gunner with low mobility but can deal massive damage in prolonged teamfights. Here is the rune table for Jinx in Wild Rift League:

– Conqueror – Conquer: Deals extra damage to enemies.
– Gathering Storm – Gathering Storm: Add damage to ensure you have a devastating late game. It started to have an impact around the 10th minute of the game.
– Loyalty – Loyalty: Jinx is extremely dependent on the Support champion, this rune will overcome Jinx’s defensive weakness.
– Pack Hunter – Ruthless Hunter: Increase movement speed and get more gold in battle.

2. Skill combo for Jinx ADC in Wild Rift Alliance

Speaking of combos, Jinx doesn’t rely on any combos. All of her skills must be adapted to the enemy champion you are facing. However, for you to better understand this champion, here are the basic combos often used by Jinx and don’t forget to cast your ultimate when possible:

Skill 1 – Swap > Skill 2 – Respawn > Skill 3 – Fire Grenade

3. Summoner spells for Jinx in Wild Rift Alliance

Summoner spells for Jinx are mostly Flash and Healing. However, if you support your team, you already have a healing ability, you can use it flexibly to change it Shield.

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4. Equip Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

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– Shoes: Gluttonous Graves (Greedy Shoes).
– Main equipment: Infinity Blade, Runaan’s Hurricane, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster, Mortal Reminder.

5. Tips for playing Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

– Use Pow-Pow (quick fire) if enemies get too close to you for a high attack speed boost, perfect for finishing off enemies around.

– Use Fishbones (bazooka) to deal with enemies at a distance. However, keep in mind that using this weapon will decrease your attack speed and mana. So use it only when necessary.

Link to download the latest Wild Rift League:

=> Link Download Wild Rift Alliance for Android
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=> Link Download Wild Rift League for iOS
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Above is how to play Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League. The rune, summoner, and rune rune as suggested will increase her AD, attack speed and crit rate so she becomes the main ADC of the team and helps the team win.
In addition, you can also refer to the top strongest marksman in the Wild Rift League here to choose for yourself the best general.

See also: Top marksman in Wild Rift League that deals the most damage.

Related keywords:

how to play jinx adc in Wild Rift alliance

, How to play Jinx gunner position in Wild Rift, Guide to play Jinx the best gunner position in Wild Rift League,

Source link: How to play Jinx ADC in Wild Rift League

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