How to play GTA Vice City basic for newbies

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GTA Vice City is an action game with a cinematic compelling storyline, extremely beautiful graphics, and vivid. will guide you how to play GTA Vice City basic for new players, Please refer to the article below.

As an open world game, of course GTA Vice City has a lot for you to learn and learn. GTA Vice City is not just a role-playing game, it’s also a world simulated in the American culture of the 80s. To become a boss in GTA Vice City, you have to learn in the school of life. difficulties and become more mature.

How to play GTA Vice City

Guide to play GTA Vice City basic for newbies

How to play GTA Vice City basic for newbies

1. The shortcut system in the game GTA Vice City

How to play gta vice city for everyone?

To play the game GTA Vice City well, the first thing you must know is the control keys in the game. Mastery controls will help play GTA Vice City faster, easier to mature.

WASD: move up, left, down and right
Left Shift or Right Ctrl: to sit
Left Alt or Shift right: run
Enter or F: Get in/out of the car
Space or right mouse: leap
Num Del: look
Left mouse or Num0: shoot
Space or Num +: Handbrake (Handbrake)
Num8: lean forward
Num5: lean back
Num6: tilt (turn the barrel) to the right (Lean right/ Turrent right)
Num4: tilt (turn the barrel) to the left (Lean left/ Turrent Left)
Q or Num1: look left (Look left)
E or Num3: look to the right (Look right)

2. Notes when driving in GTA Vice City

how to play gta vice city

Many GTA Vice City players have a habit of pressing the gas button continuously. However, this causes your car to be very damaged. You should have a habit of driving at a moderate speed, limiting collisions on the road.

When you drive at a speed of 40 km/h, you should turn quickly, get off the motorbike quickly and prevent the vehicle from tipping over (when leaning on the left, press forward + left, when leaning on the right, press forward + right).

3. Some side quests to do

In the game GTA Vice City, there is a fairly rich mission system. They should not be seen as a duty to be taken lightly. You should spend time completing these tasks to receive nice rewards.

How to play gta vice city can give people 3

– Duties and obligations of citizenship
– Racing missions in the stadium
– Assassination Contract Quest
– Remote Control Driving Mission
– Check Point Driving Mission
Above are some notes and instructions for new players to get started with GTA Vice City game. Of course, to become a tycoon in the GTA Vice City world, you need to learn a lot of things. Gradually experience GTA Vice City you will draw experience to play better. Good luck. In addition, you can refer to GTA commands from basic to advanced to help overcome many difficult tasks in the game, most of the GTA commands are available and you do not have to install any additional applications. Once you’ve played the basic GTA, check it out how to play GTA full episode Click here to improve your skills.

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How to play GTA Vice City basic for newbies

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