How to play General Lee Sin in the Jungle in Wild Rift League

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Lee Sin is one of the strongest and most popular junglers Wild Rift Alliance Favourite. If you know how to play general Lee Sin in the Jungle in Wild Rift, it will help gank the team extremely strong and effective.

By crafting, equipping items that increase attack damage, armor penetration, armor, and cooldown reduction, make Lee Sin stronger in the jungle and harder to take down.

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How to play Leesin Jungle position in Wild Rift League

How to play General Lee Sin in the Jungle in Wild Rift League

1. Gear up for General Lee Sin to go Wild Rift

– Black Cleaver (Black Ax): equipping this item increases Lee Sin’s maximum HP, while increasing physical damage and reducing cooldown. Passive reduces enemy Armor by 24% for 6 seconds.
– Duskblade of Draktharr (Dark Sword Draktharr): Takes extra physical damage and reduces cooldown and armor penetration.
– Youmuu’s Ghostblade (Youmuu Ghost Sword): bonus physical damage, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration. Besides, the passive helps increase the movement speed for Lee Sin.

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– Death’s Dance (Dance of Death): converts the percentage of damage you take into DPS.
– Ionian Enchant: cooldown reduction and allows the player to spam his skills.

Optional equipment:

how to play leesin in jungle

See more ways to build for leesin here to choose the right way for the team.

See also: How to build general Lee Sin in Wild Rift League.

2. Gem board for general Lee Sin in Wild Rift

Unlike some other Wild Rift junglers, Lee Sin is extremely strong in the early game but gets weaker towards the end. Equip this jungler with Hunter gems to increase stats every time you kill a monster.

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Jade Brutal (Dac Thang) helps Lee Sin prevail in the early game. With the main rune, choosing Electrocute increases Lee Sin’s power in the early game.

3. Summoner spell for general Lee Sin in Wild Rift

When playing Lee Sin as a jungler, Flash and Smite are two indispensable auxiliary spells.

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4. Skill combo for general Lee Sin in Wild Rift

* Passive Flurry (Rebellion)

Lee Sin gains 50% bonus attack speed for his next auto attack.

Note: Attack speed increases every time Lee Sin uses his skills and moves.

First auto attack: restores 20 mana.

2nd auto attack: restores 10 mana.

* Skill 1 Sonic Wave (Sound Wave / Shadowless Strike)

Lee Sin fires a wave of energy that deals and damages the target. The second attack deals bonus damage based on the target’s missing HP.

* Skill 2 Safeguard (Protection / Perseverance)

Rush to the target location, if enemies are nearby Lee Sin will gain a shield for 2 seconds.

The player can reuse this skill to power up the next auto attack and deal magic damage + lifesteal.

* Skill 3 Tempest (Seismic / Aftershock)

Lee Sin stomps on the ground and deals damage to nearby enemies. If hitting an enemy, Lee Sin can use this skill again to slow the target’s movement speed by 30%.

* Skill 4 Dragon’s Rage (Rage Dragon Feet)

Lee Sin’s ultimate kicks an enemy champion, dealing damage and knocking up enemy champions. If a champion is kicked and hits another target, it deals damage and knocks up the target for 1 second.

* Combo skills to play Lee Sin jungle in Wild Rift

Here is the order, the best skill combo for Lee Sin when playing as a jungler:

how to play lee sin in the league of toc chien

Note: When jungle at level 1, ideally use 2 Safeguard (Protection / Steadfast) => 1 Sonic Wave (Sound Wave / Shadowless Charge).

5. How to play champion Lee Sin in the Jungle

– Lee Sin can use skill 2 to dash on the road without warding. Hit the target with skill 1 => rush to the target location with skill 2 and use the ultimate to knock up the opponent.

– In most cases, you can use skill 2 to rush closer to your enemy’s location, then use skill 1 to damage and kill the target.

Link to download the latest Wild Rift League:

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Understanding how to play general Lee Sin in the Jungle in Wild Rift League helps you to farm quickly and gank the team effectively. In addition, readers can refer to some of the existing articles on to learn more about the top strongest jungler in the League of Wild Rift.

See also: Top top jungle solo champions Liên.

Related keywords:

how to play lee sin in the league of Wild Rift

, play general Lee Sin in the Jungle, How to play Leesin in the Jungle position in Wild Rift,

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