How to play Auto Chess Mobile for newbies

Cach choi Auto Chess Mobile 640 min - Emergenceingame

Auto Chess Mobile is a strategy game with a gameplay similar to Dota Auto Chess, below will be a detailed way of playing for newcomers.

When playing Auto Chess Mobile, you will start with everything available, so if you are a new player, you will be at a disadvantage against a more experienced person.

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How to play basic Auto Chess Mobile

You will have 30 seconds to prepare for your battle, here is what you need to know and care about to be able to get acquainted with this special card game.

How to play Auto Chess Mobile for newbies
How to play Auto Chess Mobile for newbies

1. Chess board interface

At the start of each match, you will see your checkerboard interface shown below. Notice the items we use, in particular:

A – Time and number of rounds played

  • Displays the time of the ongoing match and the current round number.

B – Character information

  • Displays the health (HP) of you and other players. You can spot your HP in the green part of the character’s name.

C – Maximum number of champions

  • Each round is different, players will be using a number of different “chess pieces”.
  • You can place as many pieces on the board as you want, but when the game starts, only the specified number of pieces will appear on the board, the rest will automatically be pushed back to the reserve.

D – Money

  • Displays the amount of Gold you currently have.
Auto Chess Mobile game board interface
Auto Chess Mobile game board interface

E – Information about us

  • Displays information about the character systems you have on the board.


  • Your party’s DPS number.

G – Player Information

  • Displays detailed information about players

H – EXP points

  • Show exp where you are.
  • You can use Gold to buy EXP for 5 Gold / 4EXP.
  • Also, here you can also see information about your current level as well as your EXP increase level.

I – Number of reserve troops

  • The number of pieces you have in addition to the pieces placed on the board.

J – Shopping bag

  • A place to store items for you to equip your army.
  • Just click on it to open the bag, select the item to be used, then hold and drag and drop on the board (on the piece to be equipped) to use.

K – Shop

  • Where you can shop for more hero pieces as well as items for yourself.

2. Prepare the match

Each round, each match in Auto Chess Mobile consists of 3 steps, that is, “Prepare – Fight – War“. Phase 3 is not so important, but the first 2 phases need special attention and attention.

Once started, you will be introduced Shop – ShopThis is where you will choose 5 Chess at random. These champions will be placed in row I – Goods in stockThen, you can drag and place these Champions on any position on the board to play them.

Things to note at this stage:

You will have 30 seconds to prepare. This is the time when you will be putting your Champions in the right place. If you want to buy more Heroes, equip or upgrade them, try to be fast during this time period. Because after entering the match, all your actions will be ineffective.

Preparation phase for the match
Preparation phase for the match

A – Lock button

Selection key when buying new heroes. Usually, players tend to change Champions in each match, but there are also people who just want to keep the current roster. And although we will be able to buy more Heroes, if you want, use this lock button to maintain and “lock” your selections in the store.

B – Refresh Button

Like F5 – Refresh, when used it will change the list of Heroes currently in the store. Although it costs 2 Gold, it will also give you a 50% chance of finding a better Champion.

C – Probability of receiving rare champions

Rare Heroes or Rarity Piece is always something the player is looking forward to. This probability will change depending on your rank and level.

Combat stage in Auto Chess Mobile
Combat stage in Auto Chess Mobile

3. Fight

At this point, the entire army of the two sides will rush forward and fight with each other. The player will have about 60 seconds of fighting, the winner is the party that defeats all the Heroes on the opponent’s chess board. And vice versa, the losing side is the side that has no remaining Champions. If the time expires, both sides still have troops, it will be counted as a Tie.

This is also the period when you can observe carefully about the countermeasures, buffs or support between the units of different systems and species. If you pay attention to these points to learn from experience for future hero purchases, you will easily win.

4. Betrayal

When the match is over, the winner receives a reward of 1 Gold, the defeated player takes damage based on the remaining opponent’s champions.

Some other important points:

Buy Chess in Auto Chess Mobile
Buy Chess in Auto Chess Mobile
Combine Chess in Auto Chess Mobile
Combine Chess in Auto Chess Mobile
Collect items in the game
Collect items in the game
Buff synergy
Buff synergy

Source link: How to play Auto Chess Mobile for newbies

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