How to get free PUBG Mobile gun skin forever

PUBG Mobile Skin sung 640 - Emergenceingame

This October, PUBG Mobile (Timi) players have the opportunity to get lots of gun skins for free and to be able to permanently use these skins without worrying about deadlines. Way receive gun skin PUBG Mobile Also quite simple, the player only needs to perform a few missions during the game’s event.

When the event of giving character skins during the Mid-Autumn Festival has not passed, Tencent continues the event of giving away free PUBG Mobile guns permanently, one of the ways of thanks and also an effective way to retain players. This proves that not only is the best survival shooter, but PUBG Mobile also shows itself as the game that knows the best of the players.

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There are currently 4 PUBG Mobile gun skin packs that players can get through completing a number of missions in this event, which are:

  • Skin Rugged (Orange) for AKM
  • Skin Gold Plate
  • Skin Rugged (Beige)
  • Desert Digital

How to get the Rugged (Orange) skin in PUBG Mobile for free

Get the Rugged Orange PUBG Mobile skin for free

AKM (assault rifle) in general and AR gun line (Assult Rifle) have quite a lot of skins in the shooter PUBG Mobile. And compared to other guns, in the matches, AKM is loved and used much more. Realizing this point, Tencent has decided to permanently dedicate the Rugged skin (Orange) to PUBG Mobile gamers.

Rugged (Orange) is one of the pretty skin and is rated as the “dog” of the most recent PUBG Mobile gun skins. Outstanding with an orange-yellow tone, this gun skin is suitable for players who like to show their bravery, have a strong personality and are inclined to active aggressive gameplay.

Receiving time (ENDED):

From October 1 to October 3.

How to permanently get Rugged skin (Orange):

Just log in to the game during the event period.

How to get free Gold Plate skin in PUBG Mobile

Permanently receive the Gold Plate skin in PUBG Mobile

Called by a pretty pretty name – skin of the nobility. Gold Plate is a skin with a mix of yellow and brown colors that is quite impressive. Not only beautiful, but this skin also gives players a feeling of luxury and nobility. Especially when combined with Kar98K, this skin gives the feel of hunting trips or shooting competitions in the movies we often see on television.

Time to get skin Gold Plate:

From September 28 to November 30

How to get the Gold Plate skin permanently:

  • You just need to play and fulfill the conditions of the game to receive a certain amount of ammo (about 10 bullets). Use these bullets to shoot on bonus boxes to receive gifts.
  • This October bonus is a gift box and 6 character outfits.
  • After the 301th shot, the player will be permanently receive the Gold Plate skin for the SKS gun.
  • After the 500th shot will be the skin for the M416 gun.
  • Particularly in the 20th, 60, 100 … shots, you will receive a reward in the top bar and all are items that players can permanently own.

Skin crate during PUBG Mobile event


  • You can shoot one by one or shoot all 10 at the same time in the bonus boxes. For each box hit, the player will immediately receive a gift corresponding to that square.
  • Particularly with guns SKS and M416, you will need to accumulate and shoot the required number of times to get the skin.
  • On average, a player only earns more than 10 shots per day (about more than 100 bullets), so if we want to shoot 500 times, we need to persevere and play hard continuously for more than 1 month. Therefore, the time to receive this skin is longer than for other events. Also because this is a quite unique skin, it is completely worth the effort for gamers to plow.

How to permanently get Rugged skin (Beige) for the PUBG Mobile play gun

Unlike the skins above, the Rugged (Beige) skin is only found in the lucky box. Players can enter the shop, buy this lucky box and try their luck. Weapons that can be equipped to use this skin include M16, Kar98k and S686.

How to get the Rugged skin to play PUBG Mobile for free

Rugged (Beige) is a skin designed with a silvery white tone, not too eye-catching, but this is one of the skins that is easy to disguise and quite suitable for gamers with slow, calm and defensive gameplay. .

How to permanently get Desert Digital skin for the PUBG Mobile gun

As is known, PUBG Mobile is a survival game, players can completely win without destroying too many enemies. The most important thing is how to move and when to choose. To do this, you need patience and great camouflage.

Desert Digital is the most effective skin to help you do this. With the color design of the zebra shapes, Desert Digital allows gamers to lie quietly and ambush in the trees and bushes without worrying about being detected.

Get free Desert Digital skin in PUBG Mobile game

Time to receive the reward:

From October 1 to October 7

How to get free Desert Digital skin:

  • Skin will be placed in the reward box based on the achievements you achieve in the match. The longer you stay alive, the higher the odds of getting this box.
  • The weapons in the bonus box that come with this skin pre-equipped are Kar98k, Mini14, Uzi and R45 (note, R45 is a revolver and can only be obtained in Miramar).

If you are an enthusiast and like to collect the skins in PUBG Mobile This event will be a rare chance not to be missed for you to own extremely beautiful skins, not only free but also permanently used during the game.

Source link: How to get free PUBG Mobile gun skin forever

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