How to create a youtube channel to make money on phones and computers

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Use Youtube to subscribe, watch and share a variety of video content. However, if you want to keep and publicly share interesting videos in your life with people on social networks, you need to create a Youtube channel. Details on how to create a Youtube channel to make money on phones, computers and basic channel setup tips will be shared by shortly.

Youtube is a popular video sharing network with more than 1 billion users worldwide. Not only allows viewing, sharing, and leaving comments on each video, Youtube also allows users to create channels, post videos, livestream sales and make money online on the videos they post.

account creation, create Youtube channel it’s not too difficult. You can do it on your computer, personal phone with the steps shared below.

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How to create a Youtube channel, create a Youtube channel on computers and phones

1. How to create a Youtube channel to make money on your phone

The prerequisite to create a Youtube channel is that you need to have a Google account. In addition, you also need to download and install Gmail and Youtube applications on your personal phone to operate.

Specifically, the steps you take are as follows:

Step 1: Go to the Youtube application on your phone, click the icon “file” on the top right corner of the screen and select sign in.

I love YouTube for making money on my phone

Next, enter your email and password information to log into your Google account.

Step 2: After logging in, continue to click on the profile icon and then click “create channel
Step 3: Download the avatar for the channel, enter the channel name, press create channel. Note: Your channel name cannot be the same as the existing Youtube channels on Google.

How to create YouTube channel on iPhone

The process of creating a Youtube channel is complete, you can watch the channel, upload personal videos and perform basic settings on your personal channel.

2. How to create a YouTube channel to make money on your computer

Similar to creating a Youtube channel on your phone, if you use a PC, laptop, or Macbook, you can also easily create a Youtube channel by following these steps:

Step 1: Go to and press “Sign in” in the top right corner of the screen, enter your email, Google account password that you want to use to link to your Youtube channel.

Step 2: After logging in, click the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and then click “create channel

How to make money from YouTube channel

Step 3: By default, Youtube will take your Google profile picture as your profile picture. You can change this image by clicking “upload image” and uploading the image from your computer.

In the name field, enter the name of the YouTube channel you want, press “create channel” to complete the Youtube channel creation process.

Make money on Youtube

Step 4: Your Youtube channel has been set up, you can click “customize channel” to set up basic information or select “download video” to start uploading videos for your channel.

how to create youtube channel

Note: 1 gmail account can set up how many youtube channels?

Usually, people often use 1 google account to set up many different money making Youtube channels. However, to be able to create a channel and make money from it without affecting other channels, it’s best to only create 1 Youtube channel on 1 Google account.

3. Instructions for setting up a Youtube channel to make money

To install the information on the channel, at the Youtube channel interface, click “channel customization“. At this point, you will be redirected to Youtube Studio, the management page for content developers on Youtube. Here, you can set up basic information about channel layout, information displayed on the channel. , language used as well as how to interact with viewers and make money on the channel.

* Set custom Youtube channel

At the channel’s dashboard interface at Youtube Studio, click “custom“. Here you can move through the layout, branding, and basics tabs to set up general information for the channel.

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In the layout section: You can add featured videos, intro videos, or customize your channel’s homepage with uploaded videos.
In the branding section: You can change the avatar image, cover image, watermark for the channel.

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+ For Avatars: It is recommended to use images in PNG or JPG image format, with a minimum resolution of 98 x 98 pixels, maximum size of 4 MB.
+ For banner photos: Use photos with a minimum resolution of 2048 x 1152 pixels and a maximum size of 6 MB
+ For blurred images: You should choose an image with a resolution of 150 x 150 pixels in PNG, GIF, BMP or JPEG format, up to 1 MB in size.

Basic information item: You can add your channel description, channel URL, link to your website, link in the banner (usually Facebook links, website,…) and your personal contact information.

After completing the process of setting up custom information, press “publish” to save.

How to make money on Youtube

* Channel settings

In the working interface of Youtube Studio, click “Setting” in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Here, you can set up basic channel information, grant channel permissions, set community commitments, and more.

How do you make money on Youtube?

i have a youtube channel

* Upload Youtube videos, Youtube livestream

To upload your first Youtube video, you need to return to the homepage of the Youtube channel, press “upload video” or tap the camcorder icon in the top right corner to download a video or start a live stream on the channel.

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4. Tips to start an effective money-making YouTube channel

– Use eye-catching thumbnails and channel images
– Create playlists
– Optimize the video title, description and keywords of the video
– Create compelling channel trailers
– Create great, consistent video content
– Share the channel to your friends, ask everyone to subscribe
– Understand the channel’s audience
– Understand Youtube’s algorithm

Above, has shared with you in detail how to create a YouTube channel to make money, tips to set up custom channels, attract viewers and promote your channel to a wide range of users. Please refer to the content in this article to start creating your own Youtube channel and increase your income!
In the process of developing a Youtube channel for monetization, for certain reasons, your channel may be blocked from monetization. To quickly re-enable this feature, you need to refer to the article YouTube channel is monetized off how to turn it back on of for how to do it.

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Create a YouTube channel to make money on your phone, How to create a YouTube channel to make money,

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