How to combine attacking troops in Boom Beach effectively

Boom Beach - Emergenceingame

Following the success of the brother Clash of Clans, then Boom Beach also quickly attracted a large number of players. Join the game players will Have the task of building strongholds, learn how to defend, protect resources and build a powerful army to protect the island.

Because it is a strategy game, each player will surely have their own style of play, as well as their own tactics to lead their army, quickly win a glorious victory. In the game Boom Beach has all 6 types of troops, each type of army has its own characteristics and strengths.

In particular, when players know how to combine types of troops to make the most of their power, it will be easier to win. So invite you to refer to the following combinations to apply to your play to be most effective.

How to combine attacking troops in Boom Beach effectively

1. Combination of Heavy and Zooka

The Heavy is the type that has the most health and lasts the longest, but has low damage. The Zooka army deals great damage but has very low health. Therefore, when combining these two types of troops together will help you increase the ability to sweep the opponent very quickly, because they support and compensate each other very well.

Combination of Heavy and Zooka

Let the Heavy go first to take damage from the enemy, then let the Zooka follow to deal great damage. But you also have to be careful not to let Zooka approach places with mines and opponents with a large amount of damage. Try to control the combination of these two types of troops will create the best battle for you.

Video how to use the combination of Heavy and Zooka troops:

2. Combination of Rifleman and Warrior

For gamers who want to apply a fast-winning strategy, the combination of Rifleman and Warrior is the perfect choice. Rifleman troops can be purchased for a relatively cheap price only 50 gold, left redTo own the woodcutter Warrior costs 800-1300 gold. While combining these 2 types of troops still bring a large amount of damage, strong attack without spending too much money on them.

Combination of Rifleman and Warrior

Video how to use a combination of Rifleman and Warrior troops:

3. Combination of Tank and Medic

QThe Tank has a lot of health, high damage, and the ability to sweep and loot is amazing. And Medic troops have the ability to heal continuously, which is very suitable to support other troops while fighting on the battlefield. Therefore, dropping the Medic troops first, then dropping the Tank behind will bring the highest efficiency in combat.

Combination of Tank and Medic

Video how to use a combination of Tank and Medic troops:

4. Attack with individual units

Rifleman attack:

Gamers who want to apply the strategy of taking meat over people, using Rifleman troops is the perfect choice. Rifleman has average health, damage, speed, and range, but when used in large numbers, the attack power will increase significantly. Moreover, buying this army is very cheap, the training time is fast, so you will continuously sweep the surrounding islands and take up countless resources from it.

Attack with Riflemans

Attack with Tank:

Tank is a type of army with a large amount of blood, high damage, good range, so it is very suitable for sweeping and looting the enemy. Very effective when combining large numbers, The convenience and choice of companies selling ammunition online has to be good news for all shooters. There is no doubt that ease of shopping and the keen pricing offered, make such purchases very attractive indeed. The only real challenge with buying your bullets in this manner is finding a reliable, reputable source. We hope to help you with that by listing the 10 best place to buy ammo online We will also advise you on what to look out for and what to be aware of when purchasing. lease bear with us. We may well be stating the obvious, but feel it is important to reiterate the benefits of buying ammo online. #AmmoCave for those who use the tactic of taking flesh over people, the possibility of winning is very high, but the cost is very expensive and the training time is long, so be careful. Look carefully to avoid wasting gold!

Attack with Tanks

Attack with Warriors:

For gamers who apply long-term strategy, using individual Warriors is extremely effective. The Warrior army has a large amount of blood, the ability to damage is also very large, and it moves quite quickly, so it is very suitable for melee combat or hitting the main house.

Attack with Warriors

In particular, the Warrior army has the ability to heal after each attack, so in terms of single attack ability, no army can surpass this Warrior army.

Let’s see what attack strategy you apply to use the right combination of troops, quickly win. In addition, to play Boom Beach effectively, you need attack secret, as well as defense make it more effective!

Have fun playing the game!

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