How to change Garena phone number

38005 - Emergenceingame
Instructions on how to change Garena phone numbers will help you convert from 11 numbers to 10 numbers in the fastest and most convenient way. With just a few simple steps, you can update the phone number for your account Garena mine.

Job Garena phone number converter It’s not difficult, although Garena does not support automatic conversion of 11-digit to 10-digit subscribers, but users can still do it themselves, for account holders who do not have to convert 11 numbers to 10 numbers, please follow the directions. Follow the instructions below to learn how to change Garena’s phone number.

See also: Instructions for converting 11 numbers to 10 numbers

how to use garena phone

Instructions to change Garena phone number

Step 1: To be able to change your work Garena phone number, you first need a “Standard” link to log in to Garena, click COME IN to open a link to help you sign in.

– Request Enter the correct account and password in the next step with the account you want to change Garena phone number.

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Step 2: After that Profile section appears, click on Change in the phone number section to change the sdt Garena Please.

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Step 3: Next you need to get phone number verification code before changing Garena’s phone number.

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And take 6 digit code sent to your phone for confirmation.

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Step 4: After successful confirmation, new system for you change Garena phone number, proceed to change the new phone number you want to apply to the account.

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Step 5: The system will ask get confirmation code from new phone number again to make sure the number is capable of receiving messages.

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Similarly get the 6-digit code from the phone that is using this new number and then tap confirm.

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Step 6: The next step we have to Enter the password you are using Enter, this is the last step before completing how to change Garena phone number.

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Step 7: When there is an announcement “you have successfully changed your phone number” That means your job is done. Please note that the changed phone number must be at least 1 day after you can change to another number.

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Not only changing Garena phone number, but there are many services where users have to change phone numbers themselves when not automatically supported. For example, for Skype users recently, there have been many readers asking for instructions on how to change Skype phone numbers quickly and simply. If any of your readers also have a Skype account with an 11-digit subscription, you can see instructions on how to change your Skype phone number here and follow the instructions.

See also: Instructions on how to change Skype phone numbers

With each fully activated Garena account, users will be able to use a lot of features including basic and advanced including deleting their garena phone number in case they do not want to use that number. However, to successfully delete garena phone numbers, users also need to meet certain conditions.

See also: Instructions to delete Garena phone numbers

Garena allows users of its service to change phone numbers completely free of charge, but to change Garena phone numbers users need to meet certain conditions. For example, in case a new user enters a phone number or has just changed a garena phone number, it will not be allowed to change for a certain period of time. In addition, after changing Garena phone number, it takes a few hours for the system to re-verify the problem.

See also: Instructions to change Garena’s phone number

Related keywords:

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Source link: How to change Garena phone number

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