Guide to playing Sea of ​​Thieves for newbies

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Attractive pirate game Sea of ​​Thieves does not have much guidance besides a few small tooltips in the boot screen. This makes it easy for first-time players to get used to the gameplay. The following guide will help you get acquainted with Sea of ​​Thieves quickly.

How to play Sea of ​​Thieves

Start the journey

You can purchase a trip to the sea or essential items from the merchants in the outposts on the island. You need to choose a course type to start playing Sea of ​​Thieves, include: Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance, Order of Souls. The character in the blue tent represents the Gold Hoarders, who will ask you to hunt for treasure. The woman on the red dock represents the Merchant Alliance and assigns you to trade in livestock. The ghost shop girl represents the Order of Souls, asking you to hunt for special skeletons. You will find NPCs on each outpost island.

After buying a few sea trips (the first one costs 0 VND, go to your boat anchored nearby). The captain area has a table for you to suggest your trip. If playing alone, choose an itinerary and vote for it. If playing in groups, all team members must vote before starting. Upon departure, you will lose the provided map if you exit the game before completing.

Check out the map

Starting a voyage”(Starting a Trip) in Sea of ​​Thieves Just give you a map or follow directions. Keep key ‘E‘(or the right bumper on the controller) to go through the maps, then take out a copy to check.

Check out the Sea of ​​Thieves map

Gold Hoarders Journey

If joining Gold Hoarders’s journey Sea of ​​ThievesYou will be given one or more treasure maps. If there is a map of an anonymous island, you need to find it on the world map of the traveling boat by memorizing its shape and sailing to it. Usually this island will be near the location you accept the itinerary for. So, let’s start looking around the train first.

Upon arrival on that island, use the shovel to dig the location for the treasure chest marked with a red X. This quest can be “daunting”, especially on multi-level islands. If you get lost, use your compass to make sure you’re on the right side of the island and find your way in the right direction.

Other gold treks offer puzzles that begin with the island’s name. Once you get there, the next part of the puzzle will appear on the page. They will eventually lead you to a certain point. You will have to take a few steps to that location before digging. Jogging forward will be difficult to determine the number of steps it will take. Instead look at the compass, you can easily identify a more cautious step. If you use the remote while looking at the compass, you will feel vibrations with each step. This feeling is very interesting.

Journey to hoard gold in Sea of ​​Thieves

The Merchant Alliance Journey

When choosing a Merchant Alliance trip, return to the vendor to pick up an animal carrier. You must find the required animals and move them to the designated outpost within the time limit. Just head to any green-grassed island and you’ll see chickens or pigs. Some clearly name what you will find. You may have to stop by at a few places to search. Let’s chase the animals while holding the barrel and right click to catch them. Ship the box to the Merchant Alliance dealer at the specified location. If you catch the wrong animals, you can kill them to empty the barrel.

Merchant Alliance Journey in Sea of ​​Thieves

Journey of Order of Souls

These are ordinary money hunts. The map you get includes the name of one or more bone bosses with the same name of the island where you can find them. Go to that island, then send at least one man ashore to get the boss’s skeleton. You must fight against several legions of bad guys before the skeleton appears. The mission is difficult but will be easy if you anchor the ship next to the island to bombard them with cannon bullets. When one of the targets is killed, take their skull and store it on board.

Sell ​​stolen goods

Each trip always brings you a few valuable items: chests, livestock or skulls. You will lose any of these loot if you exit the game, so sell them before you do. For the Merchant Alliance journey, transport the animals to the requested outpost dealer on time. The other itineraries do not matter the time and location of the outpost you go to. Bring the chests to the Gold Hoarders, the skulls to the Order of Souls. A suggestion appears allowing you to sell them for gold. This amount of gold will be divided among the crew members. Be careful because other players may steal your items and sell them.

Sell ​​loot in Sea of ​​thieves

How to drive a boat

Sailing is not too complicated but requires coordination, especially on warships or large galleon boats, where the driver is often unable to see anything through the sails. Here are the basics you need to understand:

  • Use the ropes closest to the sails to pull them up: Raise all the sails for maximum speed and partly for landing controls when you move slower but have to change direction faster. Without a sail, you can change direction on the spot. This is extremely beneficial when trying to get out of tight positions. When it comes to speed and radius control, the main sails on large boats are usually most effective.
  • Use a different ropes to angle the sail: When entering an upwind zone, turn the sail left or right. If you’re in a downwind position, set sail for the wind if you want to go faster.
  • Anchor before you need it: Because you need to move a little bit after you anchor.
  • In a small boat (a sail) you can see a map on the upper floor. Going behind the deck on the deck, entering the map room to check the direction will save you a lot of time.
  • On a large boat, have someone responsible for checking the map and warning of danger. If not, the driver will have to ask repeatedly, “Am I on the right track? Is there a rock in front of us? “…
  • Use wooden planks to fix holes under the deck, use buckets to splash water. Note that the hull of your boat can be flooded during heavy rain or high waves. If passing through stormy areas or rough seas, the vehicle may be damaged. It’s best to check downstairs to make sure the boat is okay.
  • Grasp the rudder for a sudden turn: If you turn the rudder completely left or right and then release the anchor, the boat will change direction suddenly 90 degrees. If time-aligned, you can quickly move the boat in a beneficial direction, placing all targets in your cannon line of sight. Of course, at that time, you are vulnerable, you must always be ready to bombard your enemies and pull anchors when needed to escape.
  • Turn off the lights at night: Competitors can see your boat from a great distance if it lights up at night. The lights on the boat are only intended to help you determine your direction. If you want to avoid or hide other ships, turn off all the lights, on both upper and lower decks.
  • Don’t steer the boat off the map: It’s fun to do it, but don’t act like that when there’s a loot on the boat.

How to defeat the sea monster

If you are suddenly attacked by a sea monster, do not try to hit it underwater. What you can chop down can only be its tentacles. The water surface is dark so it is difficult to act.

What else can you do?

You don’t have to take sea trips if you don’t want to. Other players will do it for you. If you really want to be a pirate, you can rob them before they sell them. Look for boats that are parked on the island (maybe just finished) or go to outposts where they plan to sell their wealth.

Tips to play Sea of ​​Thieves

More Sea of ​​Thieves tips and tricks

  • Hidden loot: Bird’s nest is the best place for you to put loot treasure chests. Despite being raided, the opponent is not afraid to climb the ladder to see what you are hiding in it, but this action will take some time. You can use that to sell them before you get robbed.
  • Beware of lightning. You can survive if you get hit by lightning. However, if there is a battery pack on the deck, your boat will explode.
  • Check for sunken boats as they can hold valuable goods.
  • Hurry ashore by shooting yourself out of the barrel of a gun or using the thrust of a sword.
  • Vomiting can be helpful: If you drink too much, your pirate will vomit. The vomit is very valuable. Throw it in the empty bin, then throw it at your opponent when needed. They will block their view. This is extremely effective when you need a quick escape.
  • Collect containers and animals: Catch pigs and chickens and sell them to Merchant Alliance, even without a contract.
  • Conquer snakes by playing music

Sea of ​​Thieves

Source link: Guide to playing Sea of ​​Thieves for newbies

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