Female politician unexpectedly achieved Silver Rank in League of Legends

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Congresswoman Republican Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent time in quarantine honing his League of Legends skills. She announced on Twitter that she passed Silver rank III on Monday: “My little achievement during quarantine: it’s Silver III.

League of Legends’ ranking system includes nine ranks: iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, master and challenger. Players must pass four levels in each rank in order to progress to a higher rank.​


While the congresswoman will still need some time to reach the top of Silver, she shared on Twitter that the online gaming experience has been part of the foundation of her career with as a progressive ideological politician.

When asked about your favorite champion in League of LegendsAlexandria said, “I’m Silver III with Sona, but I also play Janna, Lux, and Morgana. I’m learning to play Lulu, but I’m still not very forehand. I sometimes play Soraka and his ultimate. is definitely the most necessary healing skill for all in the match.”


Source link: Female politician unexpectedly achieved Silver Rank in League of Legends
– Emergenceingames.com

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