One is the much-anticipated sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, with the direction of director Stig Asmussen. Another team at Respawn working on a project first person shooter game topic Star Warsstarring former VP of Development and Operations LucasArts from the original Star Wars Battlefront game, Peter Hirschmann was named game director. EA says Hirschmann and the staff of Respawn have just started developing this game. The game will be made by Medal of Honor VR (although this is not a VR project).
And finally, Respawn is making a Star Wars game of the genre strategy through a partnership with Bit Reactor, a recently established Maryland-based studio consisting of experienced developers from XCOM and Civilization Firaxis Games.
According to EA, Vince Zampella, Group GM and Founder of Respawn will oversee all of these projects. “Partnering with Lucasfilm Games on a new FPS project in the Star Wars galaxy is a dream come true for me, because this is the story I have always wanted to tell,” said Mr. Hirschmann.
Source link: EA is developing 3 new Star Wars games.