Download Facebook chat history, save Facebook messages to your computer

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Many of you do not know that messages on Facebook Messenger can be saved, and how to download Facebook chat history to your computer is extremely simple. Follow the instructions below to learn how to download it.

Review old messages, review Facebook chat history are always issues that many users are interested in ever since. There are many important messages we forgot to back up or for some reason deleted and now want to reload and restore Facebook messages. On Facebook there are many useful features that not all users are interested in, thanks to those features you can see the greatness of Facebook and even the recover facebook messages can do more.

How to set up facebook chat with computer?

Download chat history, Facebook messages to your computer

Back to the focus of today’s article when this article wants to show you how to download Facebook Messenger chat history, download old messages, long deleted messages on Facebook to your computer. you, there you can review your missed messages, below will be instructions on how to download chat history Facebook Messenger about your computer.

How to download Facebook chat history to computer

Method 1: Download Facebook chat history in the traditional way

Step 1: To download Facebook chat history according to the traditions on the new interface, you first need to access the section Setting Facebook’s system.

How to set up facebook chat with computer?

Step 2: Next, click on the section Your information on Facebook look to the right there will be options Download your information as described in the image below.

How to set up facebook chat with computer?

Step 3: Click Create files to make a backup to your computer, help you download Facebook chat history.

How to set up facebook chat with computer?

Next, you will see a message that is creating a copy to save the message, you will have to wait and the file will be sent to your email address. Downloads are password protected so only you can access them. When the system finishes creating a copy, you will have a few days to download it.

How to set up facebook chat with computer?

Method 2: Download Facebook chat history using external tools

Step 1: In addition to the above way, you can follow this way to download Facebook chat history with the Message/Chat Downloader tool, which is an add-on that works on Chrome. Load Message/Chat Downloader here.

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Step 2: There will be a notification from the browser asking you to confirm the addition of this extension, click on more utilities to proceed to install Message/Chat Downloader.

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– Immediately you will see an icon of Message/Chat Downloader on the browser, now let download Facebook chat history with Message/Chat Downloader.

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Step 3: First, click on the Messenger message section and then select see all in Messenger .

Note: This section is required if you want Message/Chat Downloader to work.

How to set up Facebook chat with computers 10

Step 4: Immediately you will see the Message/Chat Downloader icon change to green, click on it to open the program.

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Step 5: Message/Chat Downloader application appears, click on Select date range to choose the date to download Facebook chat history.

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Step 6: Select the date range that you want to download Facebook Messenger chat history to your computer, ending with Apply .

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Step 7: After selecting the date, click Start Download to start downloading.

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Step 8: Wait for a while you will see a new tab showing the number of your messages, here you can download and copy your messages to do whatever you want.

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With 2 ways on, I have already shown you how to download Facebook chat history, with the second way when using Message/Chat Downloader you will find this is very simple and fast, also encourage you to do it this way to download and view deleted messages on Messenger Please.

Implemented on Facebook old interface

Step 1: To be able to download the Facebook chat history according to the traditions that you have deleted, the first thing you need to do is access Setting Facebook’s system.

How to chat on facebook with computer 2

Step 2: Next in the Shared look down there will be options download copy .

How to chat on facebook with computer 3

Step 3: Click start backup to make a backup to your computer, help you download Facebook chat history.

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Step 4: Before proceeding to back up messages, the system will ask you confirm password input Facebook.

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Then there will be a notice to start backing up, click on it and wait for a while to have the file sent to your email address. Open the file in there to see the chat history Facebook Messenger. However, many times, the Facebook system is overloaded, so this function will take longer than usual to receive.

How to chat on facebook with computer 6

If you use Facebook Messenger to chat with friends, if you log in on another device, after chatting, you need to log out of Facebook Messenger to secure your information. Sign out of Facebook Messenger won’t take up much of your time.
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Related keywords:

Facebook chat account

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Source link: Download Facebook chat history, save Facebook messages to your computer

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