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Dota 2: Top strongest carry hero patch 7.31

Dota 2: Top strongest carry hero patch 7.31

Today, we will focus on the top carry hero pos 1 of patch 7.31b.


Chaos knight 2 - Emergenceingame

Chaos Knight was rarely seen as a weak hero in the past. Good stats, high potential burst damage and strong laning make CK an effective pos 3 hero (plus lifesteal available). However, in pos 1, the hero always lags behind other carries for a simple reason: CK can’t farm fast.

Currently, patch 7.31 makes jungling much harder than before. No one can farm as efficiently as before and that really helps Chaos Knight shine. Not to mention, CK’s recent playstyle, which utilizes the low ultimate cooldown to farm, makes it possible for the hero to catch up with everyone in terms of economy.

This gold gain allows the hero to get to Armlet early, then Echo Saber. With the third largest item, most players will choose the starting item: Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger, it depends on the situation of the match. Going to the tank later is common. The longer the game goes on, the harder it is for the CK’s shadow to last and the Chaos Knight will lack a lot of damage without their presence.


dota 2 phan tich thay doi chung the outlanders 2 - Emergenceingame
Medusa is the hero benefiting from this update

Medusa is unaffected in the new patch. Like Templar Asassin, the hero is still jungling as effectively as before. That puts Medusa among the most competitive heroes of the meta.

Meudsa is not difficult to play. Everything is focused on making good use of time. With low movement speed and lack of mobility, Medusa’s goal is to be strong enough to safely destroy enemy turrets and force the enemy to react, rather than trying to find teamfights.

Medusa’s playstyle is very limited and players must depend on the ability to farm for the first 20 minutes without distraction. Here’s why the hero isn’t popular with pro teams: Medusa can be severely punished with the right draft lineup. But this is also why heroes are so strong in pubs: in passive games, Medusa wins by default.

One myth that players often make is thinking that Medusa is a super late hero. This thinking is no longer true. The hero is most powerful at about 25 minutes, when Medusa is ahead of the competition in terms of DPS and survivability. But if the game goes really late, most carries will get to the point where they have better combat options, finding a way to handle Medusa.


phantom lancer - Emergenceingame

What happens when the Diffusal Blade is 20% cheaper than before? You will see a 7% increase in Phantom Lancer spawn frequency in high pub ranks. This is not a huge number, but it almost triples the popularity of Phantom Lancer compared to the previous patch.

Phantom Lancer is now carry tempo, active play and strong nuke. It’s the complete opposite of past gameplay. Most illusion heroes, including PL, aren’t as strong as people think in the late game. But with PL, you have a lot of play options from 20 minutes onwards.

With Diffusal Blade (cheap) and Manta Style after that, Phantom Lancer is already quite dangerous. Although it does not burn mana as effectively as before, the amount of damage the hero deals is still there and the survivability is said to be infinite. There are many ways for PL to avoid damage, one of which includes not going into battle by himself, but using PL balls.

To make this way of playing more effective, more and more people are coming to Aghanim’s Shard for PL. It allows the PL to deal a lot of nuke damage, slowing the enemy down and draining the opponent’s resources quite well, before they can even touch the Phantom Lancer’s eye.

That doesn’t mean PL should choose the Lance CD talent at level 15. This is a pretty common mistake when players first apply this build. It’s not as effective as the +15 Strength talent (additional 300HP). Increasing the buff for yourself and the ball should be a priority for the later stages of the game.


The article feels that 7.31 has somewhat stirred up the carry meta. Instead of late-game pos 1 heroes who only focus on farming, two of these top 3 carries belong to the illusion tempo hero group. Naga Siren is also considered a very good pick if you know how to play heroes.

Hero illusion has been out of meta for a long time and their return is a good thing. But the better news is that the importance of every role in the game is rebalanced. Carry in 7.30 has a big impact, but with patch 7.31, carry is more like a member of a team than a leader.

According to dotabuff

You can read more articles on the same Dota 2 topic below:

Source link: Dota 2: Top strongest carry hero patch 7.31
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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