Here’s a tutorial by xuisoko on Reddit:
I’m sure 95% of Dota players are pulling camp the wrong way, including me before. Although this tutorial is for pos 5, I’m sure pos 4, offlane and carry players will get some benefit from it.
In the video, I watch AUI_2000 do a lot of pulls in safelane very well. While pull camp may sound simple to some of you, I’m sure some things, even Immortal gamers like me, haven’t figured out yet. The video includes the following pull methods:
- Pull camp small once
- Pull camp small one time better version
- Pull camp big once
- Small pull stack camp
- Pull twice
- Pull lane tactically like laNm
1. Pull camp small once
Here, you simply pull an entire wave of creeps to the small camp by pulling the jungle creeps towards the creep lane. Nothing complicated at all. However, it’s not optimal and sometimes causes you to lose lane because the creeps are still alive after that. It can be used to:
- Deny some of the enemy’s gold and xp
- Farm some gold and XP
- Push lane: You push lane because 2-3 creeps are alive and they will join the next wave of creeps.
2. Pull camp small once (high rank IQ 200)
This is something I just discovered recently while looking at AUI_2000. Instead of pulling all the creeps, he intentionally left a few creeps. This way, the neutral will kill more creeps and take longer. This will not cause the wave to be pushed too far.
This is really a high rank MMR tip, as I’ve seen pos 5 support in the range of Divine IV to V. It can be used to:
- Deny 1 creep or more
- Farm with the same amount of gold/xp
- Keep lane
1-2 creeps you leave in lane will tank enemy creeps, preventing even your carry from taking damage (extremely useful if the team carry is a ranged hero).
3. Pull camp big once
For both Radiant and Dire, a large pull camp can be done directly. In Dire, you can also cut one of the trees. I have shown in the video. Large one-time pull camp used to:
- Deny all creeps for 1 wave
- Farm gold/xp
- Force the opponent to fight there
- Pull the wave back
4. Small pull stack camp
Here’s the best pos 5 can do to win lane:
Minute 1:30, say carry start pushing wave. This way you can safely stack a small stack camp at 1:53-54. Always stack towards the big camp so you can use the big camp block yourself (avoid letting the opponent pull the big camp). Now go help carry, and pull when the time comes. This is used to:
- Deny both wave creeps gold/xp
- Farm gets x2 in small camp
- Force the opponent to fight there
- Pull wave creeps back
- Gives you time to walk home to heal/mana, buy items.
5. Pull twice
This rarely happens at high rank unless you are sweeping lanes. You can turn a one-time pull into a two-fold pull, by attacking the large creep camp and pulling them towards the creeps that are attacking the neutral in the small camp.
Ranged hero standard time is when 1.5 creeps are alive. The standard watch time with melee hero is 2 creeps alive.
6. Pull lane tactically like laNm
In the video, I analyzed how the 10k MMR support player pulls, laNm, and this is what he does:
Always push wave 1:30, leave the stack at 1:53-54. Always use your hero to block the big camp in the 1st and 2nd minute. In the 2nd minute, he does it while stacking the small camp. After laNm pull, lane to push out, especially if the opponent scrambles.
If the opponent does not contest your stack, you can pull again after the stack. If the opponent competes stack and farm it. Don’t stack and pull anymore. Cast two waves to push the opponent if possible and let the wave push itself.
If there are more creeps than the enemy, that means the opponent doesn’t dare to hit you near the creeps (or do and get hit by the creeps). Harass the enemy hero as much as possible, until one of the enemy heroes dies, or they have very few resources left. This is where the team carry can safely farm 1v2 near them.
Now is the time to stack or pull. Don’t leave the carry alone when the lane pushes near the enemy turret, unless you already have a small stacked camp that can pull.
Extra tips: If you have to pull once, apply the one-time pull method in item 2. Remove carry just to pull once or stack camp, almost 90% of you have played the wrong game. Instead, go with the carry, harass the opponent and when the turret hits the creeps with you, causing the creep wave to fall, this is the time to stack.
You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:
Source link: Dota 2: Guide to hard support, pull creeps and how to pull camp high rank