Artifact: 9 minutes more gameplay, gamers can’t wait

Artifact: 9 minutes more gameplay, gamers can't wait

Artifact thêm 9 phút gameplay game thủ nóng lòng chờ đợi 1 - Emergenceingame

It’s been quite a while since we heard anything more from Artifact, but two journalists from Eurogamer were allowed to film their gameplay while visiting Valve’s headquarters. Chris Bratt serves as the instructor in the video, while his colleague Jonny Chiodini learns how to play the game.

In the demo of the game, they play against the AI ​​and can choose between a Red/Black (Red/Black) or a Green/Blue (green/blue) deck, and the opponent (computer) will choose the other. Immediately, the game showed a completely different image from its rival game Hearthstone. The cards shine on the screen, step into the lane and the game begins. This is a great feature for experienced players who want to jump right into the game, but can be confusing for new players.

The fast-paced action doesn’t stop there, as the whole game plays out continuously like Dota. As Chris Bratt points out in the video, Artifact seems designed with veteran card gamers in mind. In the battle phase, you only focus on one lane at a time, managing all three tables at the same time requires a lot of things from the players. Letting your guard down will cost you.

But the magic is, the game does not drive the player away. Artifact’s complexity makes it all the more engaging, as you’re the general who controls all of your troops in battle. The transitions between battle cards are so smooth, the placement of pieces, and the lane transitions are so smooth that it only takes a game or two to understand what’s going on in each stage. This is impressive.

Artifact will have more depth than its rivals (except for the online version of Magic: The Gathering) which should not surprise many people. The novelty is that the game is quite accessible even though it seems very complicated at first glance. Artifact is still in the closed beta stage, but from the video, the game is really polished and almost perfect

Source link: Artifact: 9 minutes more gameplay, gamers can’t wait

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