Apex Legends: Should I unlock Mirage or Caustic first?

Apex Legends Mirage Caustic

Apex Legends currently has 8 characters, 6 of which are free. Mirage and Caustic are two locked Legends, which require you to open them with tokens.


You will need 12,000 Legend Tokens to buy a new Legend. You can get them every time you level up. Around level 23, you will have enough tokens to buy a Legend. You will get more XP when you kill multiple opponents, become the kill leader or win the game. It seems that the best way to accumulate points is to live as long as possible in each round.

If you want to get Legend Tokens quickly, play actively. This way of playing helps you get better in the game and increase your survivability in the late game. More combat means you will absorb faster to be ready for the final battle.


Mirage and Caustic are two Legends with different strengths. Let’s analyze how these two characters differ:

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Of the two characters, Mirage is probably the weaker choice. He has a similar role to Wraith – and this is not a good one.

Decoy of Mirage reveals the hiding position of enemies holding a sniper or hiding in the corner, is a great enemy detection tool. However, decoy has poor AI, will break if dashed into anything. If the enemy detects your stupid AI, they will know you are nearby.

Mirage’s Ultimate makes him quite useful, making himself invisible and creating a bunch of dummy characters. Unlike Wraith, it has a longer cooldown, but stealth lasts longer. Thanks to that, Mirage has more time to escape and find a good shooting position.

All of Mirage’s skills focus on dodging and evading combat in order to confuse the enemy or force them to reveal their position. Mirage has powerful tools if you know how to use them.

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Caustic is a defensive character, used to lure the opponent towards him instead of attacking the opponent.

Nox Vision is Caustic’s most potent move. This passive ability highlights enemies standing in their smoke. Caustic’s smoke blinds both allies and enemies, but Caustic can see enemies in it, even though he is very far away.

Caustic’s best strategy is to trap enemies in smoke, taking away their vision. But this takes preparation. This is the character that you need to enter the round first and ambush the opponent.

Caustic can be a bit difficult to play in squads. This character requires a good understanding of the map to succeed because knowing where the enemies are will help you set traps in advance. You need flexibility and patience to play Caustic.


Caustic should be the preferred choice over Mirage in the current phase of Apex Legends. This is not a character you always want to include in the game, but if you put Caustic inside a building or small area, he can effectively lock down opponents.


The simple answer is to wait. Based on Apex Legends’ launch content roadmap, a new Legend will be released every season. Season 1 starts in March and lasts three months. Until then, play and earn more Legend Tokens. You will have enough points to unlock the next character when it comes out.

According to Polygon

Source link: Apex Legends: Should I unlock Mirage or Caustic first?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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