Analysis of the combat system and weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

Analysis of the combat system and weapons in Cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the brightest highlights at Microsoft’s E3 2018. It gives us a better look at the plot of the action RPG game set in the future. However, the actual gameplay trailer for the game has yet to be released to everyone. Anyway, the developer still wants to talk about this project, specifically, a team member shared information about the combat system and weapons. He said, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt helped shape the battle system in the new game.

This information was revealed in the latest interview with Gamespot and creative director Kyle Rowley of CD Projekt Red. He said Cyberpunk 2077 will include both melee and ranged combat, and this structure is learned from The Witcher 3. As Rowley explains, “We learned a lot from the combat system in Witcher 3. , and we took the lessons of melee gameplay and brought it to Cyberpunk,” with the first-to-third-person shift not going to be affected too much.

Cyberpunk 2077 1 - Emergenceingame

When it comes to weapons, Rowley said each weapon will be divided into one of three groups: power, tech and smart (strength, technology, intelligence). Power weapons are similar to “traditional weapons that the military is using today,” such as high-damage guns. “For example, when you shoot, the person hit will react to show the impact of the bullet,” says Rowley. Tech weapons focus on penetrating walls, NPCs, and other objects, while smart weapons can track and stalk objects in the game.

Again, because we’re in RPGs and we understand some people don’t like the RPG systems, we’ve tried to design smart weapons that anyone can pick up and use. normal without having to shoot good headshots or have to be flexible and adapt well. Therefore, we strive to serve both types of players.

Obviously guns are the front of the battle system in Cyberpunk 2077, but Rowley said this is not a shooter, but will be heavily RPG. Rowley said, “This is an RPG with some shooting elements, instead of shooting with some role-playing elements. There will be an intensive leveling system, similar to what you might expect from a CD Projekt game.”

Obviously, Cyberpunk is a project full of potential worth looking forward to, especially since the game will not have microtransactions.

Cyberpunk is currently in development on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but doesn’t have an official launch date yet.

By: GameSpot

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