Among Us: A convenient location for Imposter on The Skeld in Among Us

Bản đồ The Skeld trong Among Us

The Skeld as Among Us is the most popular and favorite map. This article will suggest the perfect positions for Imposter to take down this target Among Us’s The Skeld.

Among Us's Map The Skeld

A convenient location for Imposter on The Skeld in Among Us

Electrical – Electrical

Among Us's electric room

Why is the electric room called the “death” room inside? The Skeld of the game Among Us? That’s because it has only one entrance and one exit. Wiring must be done out of sight of anyone crossing this room. This room even has a Vent in the upper left corner – a portal that easily sends the impostor to Medbay or the security room to escape after defeating the target. Alternatively, you can sabotage the door to prevent the witness from entering.

The only thing the Imposter fake team needs to keep in mind is that Medbay has a surveillance camera on the door. Therefore, the crew of astronauts can see who has come out of that room without ever stepping inside. However, Medbay is also not an area with many frequent people. Crewmate often quickly in and out of this area to perform tasks consisting of 2 parts.

Security room – Security

Among Us's security room

This is where you can monitor the camera. People often come here to check the cameras, but sometimes, you will see someone who wants to try solving tasks by “billing” here. However, you have a solution.

The door to this room is lockable and inside it also has a Vent. If you can wait until the person is alone, you can easily close the door, get in and go back to the vents. You can then escape to Medbay – where there is no possibility of being supervised at the door or into the electric room – where people rarely track who in and out.

Navigation room – Navigation

Among Us's navigation room

If you want to kill the target in this area, this is a room better than a weapon. Impostors are easier to pretend to be on duty here. This room is not used as a hallway. It includes 2 Vent for the Imposter to escape.

You can use a weapon or shield to escape into populated areas, looking for safety before the corpse is discovered.

Upper Engine Room – Upper Engine

Among the above engine room was Among Us

The top of this room is partially isolated with a Vent nearby. While everyone would run past, the impostor was fairly easy to avoid them, take a quick move and jump Vent. You’ll end up at the reactor and once again this room has some hidden corners, not a lot of people, so your chances of escaping are higher.

The reactor also contains a Vent to reduce the motor, providing an outlet located away from the cameras in areas where people normally use it as aisle.

Oxygen Room – O2

Among Us's Oxygen Room

This room has a supervised portal but is also extremely easy to act stealthily to win. If you’re trying to kill your final target, the Oxygen Room will give you a solution. When the right side of the map is quiet, sabotaging room O2 could be a victory ring.

Hit Sabogate nearby, then pretend to fix the problem, then kill anyone who comes to help. If the timing is right, this will also damage the vessel through the demolition timer. Remember, killing crewmate isn’t the only way to win Among Us.

Source link: Among Us: A convenient location for Imposter on The Skeld in Among Us

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