A customized guide to the smoothest Ring of Elysium game play

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The game Ring of Elysium is gradually asserting its position in the race with PUBG, ROS and Fortnite. Game Ring of Elysium is one of the rare survival shooter titles at the moment that can squeeze into the top of the most rewarding battle royale titles. Although released late, Ring of Elysium still left a very strong impression and was released on Garena, so it quickly became known. Currently Ring of Elysium is limited to a number of countries testing on Steam but is still receiving a lot of attention.

Vietnamese gamers will have to create fake IP to play Ring of Elysium game because Vietnam does not support this game yet. Like other Battle Royale games, ROE has a high risk of FPS slipping, especially in crowded situations or shooting each other with many effects. To play ROE smoothly on your computer you will have to have the most suitable settings, you can follow the tutorial below to quickly customize the game on your computer after installing Ring of Elysium.

Instructions to optimize the game Ring of Elysium to achieve the highest FPS

Game Ring of Elysium is still in the Early Access stage, so during the game there will still arise some errors that need to be resolved. The game publisher also has certain recommendations to players including: using discrete graphics card with recommended configuration as required.

Instructions to optimize the game Ring of Elysium to achieve the highest FPS

If you are using an APU (CPU with integrated GPU) with a discrete graphics card, make sure you force the game to run on a discrete graphics card instead of automatically passing through NVIDIA software or AMD control panel. Tencent confirmed to players that it is working with both NVIDIA and AMD to develop the most compatible driver for game frame stability.

Next we need to consider the custom AA (Anti-Aliasing) being used in the game. The developer also recommends that too high the AA customization will affect game performance because the standard AA level is enough for players to enjoy the game. Along with that you can reduce or completely turn off AA in the Ring of Elysium to achieve maximum FPS.

A customized guide to the smoothest Ring of Elysium game play

Finally, the factor affecting gaming performance is that some 3rd person character, action and amination modes will also reduce FPS. However, this is a developer setting, so gamers can not fix it. Therefore, you will have to wait to get better customizations with the official update. At present, try to choose the best graphics card possible to play Ring of Elysium game smoothly.

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Source link: A customized guide to the smoothest Ring of Elysium game play
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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