Naruto is the series Japanese manga famous all over the world, the series revolves around him Ninja This Naruto continues to prove his charm when being transformed into anime. Not stopping there, people also built restaurants, cafes… Naruto to satisfy fans’ wishes. Yesterday, a Naruto-themed villa officially opened in Japan, promising to bring lost guests into the world. manga.
This villa is located at 2425 Kusumoto, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Pre-booking begins on May 25 and is officially open to guests from June 1. The rooms at this villa are decorated with Naruto theme, from bed sheets to wall paintings. , pillows and even the ceiling.
Villa guests will also receive a gift that includes a variety of items such as Naruto and Sasuke capes, zip bags, Hokage umbrellas, handkerchiefs, and two random Naruto candy canes. During their stay at the villa, guests will be served many Japanese-style dishes such as Sukiyaki, Sankai Awaji island hot pot, buffet…
Of course, the price to pay to stay in a special villa like this is not cheap. There are 3 different types of rooms with areas of 50, 60 and 70 m2 respectively. Room size 50 m2 suitable for 2 people, free breakfast and dinner, priced at 62,000 yen/day (13.3 million VND). Rooms of 60 and 70 m2 are suitable for 2-3 people, free breakfast and dinner, priced at 74,000 yen (15.9 million VND) and 78,000 yen (16.8 million VND), respectively.
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Source link: Discover the cool Naruto-themed villa with a room price of tens of millions per night