As we all know, the BE house in the empire is the main condition to help you produce farmers as well as troops in the Empire game. If you have real wood that the BE family doesn’t have, or if you have it but you already have enough troops, your population and army will not be spawned.
When and how to build BE houses?
Starting the match, the BE house is built from the beginning
At the beginning of each match, there is always 1 main house (BN) and 3 farmers available. However, a main house as well as a BE house can only hold 4 civilian units or 4 military units. So, in order not to be slow, you need to let 2 farmers build a house BE
After every request for farmers and army
In the process of development, and fighting, you constantly have to ask farmers and spawn troops, the number of BE houses will have to be built continuously so that people and troops are born more
Sweep the BE house to capture farmers and enemy troops
Today, the construction of BE houses to surround the enemy’s people and troops (As gamers call them BE as well as BE strips) is also frequently used by gamers. Therefore, BE houses are not only effective in development but also very effective in combat
How to build a house BE
– BE’s house was built right in the early period (stone age)
– Build a BE villager: need 30 wood (Except for the Roman army, there are only more than 22 wood)
Find out the meaning of different types of houses:
* THREE house in the empire
* BS house in empire
* BM house in empire
* BC house in empire
* BP house in empire
* BG house in empire
* BN’s house in the empire
* BL house in empire
* BY house in empire
* BK house in the empire
Related keywords:
the people’s houses in the empire, the people’s houses in the empire,
Source link: What is the BE house in the empire? When and how to build BE . homestay