League of Legends: How to counter Mordekaiser?

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As we all know, Mordekaiser was a reworked champion in League of Legends in the middle of season 9. Unlike some champions that have been nerfed quite a few times when they reworked versions like Akali or Aatrox, Mordekaiser only gets nerfed once and even at the end of the season, evil. This demon also slightly gains strength. This makes him really quite scary every time he appears, and especially when you encounter this “armored devil” on top. So how to counter Mordekaiser?


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Instructions to counter Mordekaiser in League of Legends

Character analysis of Mordekaiser

1. Strengths

  • There is a pretty good number of stats per level, creating a solidity both early game and late game.
    No Mana is needed to use skills.
  • Skill damage whether on cast or on a tank is quite high, thanks to Mordekaiser ‘s passive plus damage based on his health and AP.
  • Ability to use the board quite diverse, depending on the gameplay and tactics of each person such as: Conquer, Phase acceleration, Immortal Power
  • Excellent tower combat ability thanks to the amount of shields as well as the heal from W – Immortal armor.
  • Good solo ability.
  • Opening a very good teamfight with your ultimate: Death Kingdom.

2. Weakness

  • The maneuverability is almost zero because he doesn’t have any gliding, jumping, or teleporting skills.
  • The move has a fairly short cast range and has a lot of latency.
  • The attack speed is extremely slow, making hand farming somewhat detrimental
  • The ultimate is easy to solve by a variety of skills and items.

Based on these strengths and weaknesses of Mordekaiser, we can come up with countermeasures for this demon.

Countering Mordekaiser with champions

1. Vayne

What’s Vayne:

  • True damage – works great on tank champions like Mordekaiser.
  • Ability to poke with a long range.
  • Q: Acrobatic to avoid, chase or run away.
  • Push the opponent away with E: Judge.
  • Continuous invisibility with ultimate + Q.


Vayne – Shadow Hunter Top lane is a good choice when it comes to laning with Mordekaiser and even for most melee champions. Long range, maneuverability comes from the Q skill – Acrobatic, R – The Last Hour combined with repelling him with E – Judge Not to mention the tons of true damage that Vayne has. Mordekaiser will take no damage when even Q – The Mace of Destruction and you – Dead Hand, which Vayne could do with great ease. It is almost impossible for Mordekaiser to get close to hitting your hand. As for Mordekaiser’s ultimate, When he brought her in Kingdom of Death, a Vayne whose ultimate in addition to acrobatics and dodge annoyance from the start gains invisibility – something that makes Mordekaiser truly powerless. You can hook up to 7 seconds in it or simply shoot him to death if you have items.

2. Olaf

Olaf has:

  • Very much true damage.
  • Extremely good healing.
  • High attack speed, Q skill slow combo: Throwing the ax.
  • Escape from crowd control easily with R: Apocalypse Ragnarok.


Olaf which is an extremely strong solo top general, especially when facing melee generals like Mordekaiser. The addition of E: Cut firewood dealing true damage to Mordekaiser combined with basic attacks, then winning the lane is entirely possible. Not only that, once he reaches level 6, Olaf can make Mordekaiser play with “3 skills”, completely eliminating his ultimate by pressing R.

3. Fiora

  • Fiora has:
  • Huge standard damage.
  • Glide to dodge skills as well as approach or run away.
  • Counter-attack helps to eliminate an opponent’s skill.
  • The ultimate restores an extremely large amount of health.


And finally Fiora. Actually, Fiora is not a bad choice, although this fencer is neither long-shot nor has the skills to get rid of Mordekaiser R. However, Leona is capable of crushing Mordekaiser if it comes to skilled players. With a passive attack on a weak spot dealing true damage to the opponent, Fiora can also dash and block. Try the statue, Mordekaiser uses his skill and miss both of them, then he only has to fight standing, hitting or running.

Countering Mordekaiser with items.

Tips for countering Mordekaiser.

  • Don’t let him activate the passive. Rampant darkness requires 3 basic attacks or skills on the same target to activate. So try to dodge the skill or attack on the 3rd time he uses it and wait for Mordekaiser’s passive to expire on you.
  • If he has the passive activated, stay away from him. Pervasive darkness has not too great a use, but is also not the baby. It’s wide enough to deal damage to melee champions and it’s constant damage over time so be careful, if you stay within the range, your health will drop without braking.
  • Choose a fighting position, not for Mordekaiser to catch the main dame-causing generals on her side such as AD, AP.
  • Using the generals capable of over-terrain or stealth will make Mordekaiser “powerless” in his dead realm. Because he himself doesn’t have any accessibility skills.
  • Do not see the low health of Mordekaiser and immediately rush up, pay attention to the amount of W: his immortal Armor is at level. If this charge is nearly full, then when Mordekaiser activates W, he will have an enormous amount of armor and health regen.


Any champion has a way to counter it, and of course Mordekaiser too. Hopefully, through the article, you will have more experience and can confidently confront this “Armored Devil”. Hello and see you in the next articles of the series “How to overcome” on Download.com.vn.

Source link: League of Legends: How to counter Mordekaiser?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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