3 ways to own Droid Robot in Rules of Survival

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The Rules of Survival update on May 23 adds Droid Robot, with great skills. This is a powerful combat supporter in expedition teams, unable to use his equipment and props, unable to attack, unable to sit, lie down and drive.

Rules Of Survival: Rules Of Survival

Skills of the Droid Robot

  • Revival: Passive skill, revived next to any teammate after being killed. If all teammates who are Human are destroyed, then Robot Droid cannot be revived. The first respawn time is 15 seconds, after which each respawn time doubles the time, and the maximum respawn time is 60 seconds.
  • Move: The proactive, teleporting skill to the side of any teammate has not been eliminated.
  • Rehibilitate: Active skills, self-healing HP.
  • Acceleration: Active skills, speed up movement in a short time. During the acceleration time, Droid Robot is free of damage, when hitting an obstacle will create 15 damage points within the range, regardless of the enemy.

Robot Droid

With these capabilities, Robot Droid will be a great assistant in each team. So invite you to consult the following 3 ways to quickly own Droid Robot:

3 ways to own Droid Robot in Rules of Survival

Collect puzzle pieces

Collect the Droid Robot puzzle pieces in the supply boxes, the puzzle pieces will appear randomly, so it depends on the luck factor. When collecting all 20 puzzle pieces, exchange it for Robot Droid.

Robot Droid

Join the free experience

In the time frame from 18:00 – 22:00 every Saturday and Sunday, the system will allow gamers to participate in the Droid Robot experience for free. Gamers can freely experience the special features of Droid Robot in the battlefield, then decide whether to buy or not.

Buy with Diamonds

Currently, Droid Robot has a discount program of up to 81%, only 486 Diamonds. So gamers take advantage of this opportunity to own Droid Robot.

Buy with Diamonds

Droid robot will help players collect the situation, observe the battlefield to come up with reasonable tactics, quickly become the last survivor in this fierce war of survival. In addition to the PC version, you can also experience Rules Of Survival on the phone:

Rules of Survival for Android Rules of Survival for iOS

Wish you have fun playing the game!

Source link: 3 ways to own Droid Robot in Rules of Survival
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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