2 basic mistakes that many people make about character stats in Genshin Impact

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Many players are quite lucky when plowing and still open up a few 5-star characters to do DPS. But still a lot of people do not possess such powerful 5-star characters Diluc or Kequing and then worried that my 4-star characters could not compare. The following Funny game will answer all of the questions that we encounter in the game Genshin Impact Hey!

The 5-star characters are stronger than the 4-star characters?

Zhongli - Latest Lava 5-star character
Zhongli – Latest Lava 5-star character

The 5-star characters have been favored over 4-star heroes in terms of basic stats, especially pure champions. DPS as: Diluc, Keqing, Childe have all the stats outperforming the rest. This is also part of the reason these characters are at the top of the rankings for team carry and position DPS ( Klee DPS But the stats are lower, more dependent on the teammates Character above).

The Character Other 5 stars like: Venti, Mona are okay Mihoyo The shape is to support SP with the spam task of Q to support the damage to the team, so the basic stats are not too great but focus on Increase the Filling Efficiency index up very high.

The characters like 5 stars Qiqi, Jean is shaped as Support, Healer with % increase in recovery, able to take damage instead of teammates and self-healing.

Jean is considered to be one of the best Healers
Jean is considered to be one of the best Healers

The last 5 star character is Zhongli Also debated by a lot of people lately is weak, the damage is not as big as imagined. Emphasize that Zongli are not created for the purpose of dealing main damage in the lineup. Mihoyo want Zhongli go by style Tanker + Buff virtual armor continuously, please support co-op together but many people want it Zhongli do DPS. Elemental skills of Zhongli may creates a lot of shields when going the war floor. Holding E skill will create armor like the skill of Noelle. Basic health stats of Zhongli is already in the Top rank and his E attack also takes more damage. And Q skill to stun petrified is main, many players are often more important than the damage it inflicts. Go la refund only need Petrified 2s monsters Fatui, king Hilichurls … is enough to change the outcome of the match, so the damage must be too big. That is a unique ability of Zhongli. Q’s skill Venti and Q of Mona Only small monsters can be controlled, not boss monsters.

Can a 4-star character be used as a DPS?

Fischl 4-star character
Fischl 4-star character

Finally, we will talk about 3 4-star characters that are no less than 5-star characters: Bennet, Razor and Beidou.

  • Bennet The strongest point is that Q has increased elemental efficiency Bennet be in the same top Support Venti, Mona.
  • Razor Q has a% Attack Speed ​​stat and Q has an increased attack speed Razor was DPS Very strong hand damage.
  • Private Beidou Orientation is a very versatile SP from armor buff, damage, elemental support, tanker … suitable for most squads.

Amber, Lisa, Keaya, Fischl, Chongyun The basic index is low, mainly reacting to SP, so it is underestimated.

Xingqiu, Diona, Xiangling The stats are okay, but the skill set is better than the characters above, so it is more appreciated.

Source link: 2 basic mistakes that many people make about character stats in Genshin Impact

– https://emergenceingames.com/

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